Today is a memorable day in the annals of Asante History.

Please take a  look at the group\"s profile photo.

The man in reddish-brown shirt, standing before Otumfuo Asantehene is the former president of Ivory Coast, His  Excellency HENRI KONAN  BEDIE. He visited Otumfuo on Thursday, and then his ancestral home of Nsuta on Friday.

Otumfuo Asantehene will hold a special DWABO.... Durbar for him tomorrow, Sunday... AKWASIDAE.
Please if you are in Kumase, or even Yaane, attend.

Exactly 300 years ago.... 1717-1720, the nascent Asante Kingdom was embroiled in a civil war of succession following the death of the main architect of the Asante Union, the incomparable Otumfuo Osei Tutu Opemsuo I.

The supporters of Opoku Ware won, he became the very successful Asantehene Opoku Ware Katakyie I.

The losing side of the Oyoko Abusua branch .... members of the Oyoko Adako lineage, fled Kumase.

They were led by the matriarch Nana Abena Pokuaa. 

After years of traveling through Sahwi, Aowin, and Nzema territories, they crossed the Comoe River  (present day Western Ivory Coast) into sparsely populated land.

The Comoe River was nearly impassable because it was flooded. Nana Abena Pokua sacrificed her own son, as propitiation. The group was then able to cross the river.

Happy, but distraught over the death of her son, Nana Abena Pokua wailed "ba wule" (me ba awu) in the mixed Nzema/Aowin/Sahwi language. They had learned the languages to completely blend in, so as to confuse their Asante pursuers. Asantehene Opoku Ware sought their immediate return.

Nana Abena Pokua and her disenchanted Asante group became known as the BAOULE  from ...... "ba wule."

The Asante Kingdom of BAOULE, with it\"s capital of YAMOUSSOUKRO  (Yaa Mansa Kro) has played pivotal role in Ivory Coast. 

Much of the country\"s natural resources are located on Baoule land, which comprises a huge swath of southern Cote d’lvoire. It is also the centre of the Cocoa industry.

President Houphoet BOIGNY was the Baoule King, as well as first president of Ivory Coast.

God bless Osei Tutu Opemsuo, God bless OHEMAA ABENA POKUA, God bless Asanteman, God bless Baouleman.... a component of Asanteman.

(a broader history of Baoule is available on this wall, by searching under BAOULE).

“Tete  ara  ne  nɛ” (Ancient things are of today; the Past is

We are doing another write-up featuring BAUOLE (Ivory Coast) Asante Royal Henri Konan (Kwabena) Bedie. He visited Manhyia yesterday, October 13, 2020.

Exactly Three Hundred Years ago, 1720; a sad event occurred in Kumase that tested Asanteman unity. Asanteman passed the test.

After Opoku Ware was nominated as the successor to Asanteman Founder Osɛi Tutu Opemsoɔ who died in 1717, the Oyoko ADAKƆ Abusua (Matriclan-Family) of Nsuta opposed the decision taken by the Oyoko Abusua of Kumase. The Nsuta Oyoko Adakɔ was led by Ohemaa Abena Pokuaa. She wanted an Oyoko Adakɔ royal to succeed Osei Tutu I as Asantehene. She had the support of other Oyoko Adako Stools such as Kontenase, and Nyarko Ekuru (Nyarko Eku II) of Agona Nyakrom (currently in the Central Region of Ghana).

The Nsuta group was opposed by Asantehemaa Nana Nyarko Kusi Amoa (Kusiamoa) who reigned from 1697 – 1722. She was the sister of Osei Tutu, and mother of Opoku Ware I; and the larger Oyoko family Stools of Kumase, Dwaben, Kokofu, and Bekwae who insisted that a royal from the Oyoko Abohyen of Kumase family must \"sit\" on the SIKADWA.

But first, a little background to the Oyoko Adako Abusua, in order to provide historical context and understanding of the BAOULE OYOKO ADAKƆ, and His Excellency Henri Konan Bedie\"s visit to Manhyia.

It must be pointed out that the OYOKO and OYOKO ADAKO are from the same ABUSUA DUA or  Family Tree, of the AKAN Matriclan called OYOKO.

The matriarch or ancestress of the Oyoko Abusua was called Nana Antwiwaa Nyame. Her son and grandsons are the rulers of NSUTA. It is her daughter\"s sons who became rulers of Kumase and Asanteman. This avuncular relationship explains why Otumfuo Asantehene calls Nana Nsutahene and Nana Agona Nyakromhene, "Wofa" or (Uncle). Both are considered as brothers of the Asantehene\"s mother (Nana Asantehemaa).

During the era of AKAN migrations and constant movements within the AMANSIE and ADANSI areas seeking better settlements, the Oyoko in their travels, reached a place called ODASO. A number of the Oyoko people decided to take a rest there, while others traveled on.  The OYOKO group that \"rested\" insisted they were merely sleeping over to rest and continue the journey later. They became known as the ADAKOFOƆ, meaning in the Twi language YƐƐDA (Yɛreda) AKƆFOƆ, that is "those who slept over, and then continued the journey later." 

Hence the name OYOKO ADAKƆ. This incident led to the two branches of the same ABUSUA: OYOKO, and OYOKO ADAKƆ. The Oyoko Adako later founded the town of Nsuta (meaning Twin Rivers) from land given to them by the Chief of Beposo. By 1600, Nsutaman was a well established powerful Twi-speaking State.

And perhaps it this avuncular relations between Kumase and Nsuta, that previously informed the OYOKO ADAKƆ Royals to stake claims on the Kumase Stool, because it was founded by their nephews. The Adako previous claim to Kumase (Kwaaman) happened in 1660.

In the year 1660, when Chief Oti Akenten of Kwaaman  (later Kumase) died, Nsuta Oyoko Adako Royal, Nyarko Ekuru tried but failed to succeed Oti Akenten as Kwamanhene. It led to a war between the Oyoko Adako and the Oyoko.

That resulted in Nyarko Ekuru\"s flight from Nsuta with his Adako supporters from Kontenase, and Asankare, (Asante Akyem) among others. They were fruitlessly pursued by forces loyal to Obiri Yeboa, who eventually became Kwaamanhene.

Nyarko Ekuru\"s group took three different routes to confuse their pursuers, and also as a tactic to preserve part of their heritage. One Adako group founded the town of ATIBIE now part of Kwawu. A second group made up largely of Kontenase Adako Royals founded WORAWORA part of the Akan area that is now the Oti Region. The main group led by Nana Nyarko Ekuru founded the AGONA State (Agonaman), with town like Nyakrom (Nyaakokrom); Agona Swedru; and Agona Nsaba. Agonaman is now ruled by  Okofo Katakyie Nyarko Eku X, a direct descendant of Nyarko Ekuru I. And he still considers Otumfuo Santehene as his nephews; and attends funerals and other activities at Manhyia.

In 1720, Ohemaa Abena Pokuaa of NSUTA, left ASANTE, after her OYOKO ADAKO ABUSUA failed to get the nomination to succeed Osei Tutu Opemsuo I. Opoku Ware Katakyie and the OYOKO ABUSUA of Kumasi won. She and her Oyoko Adako supporters established the Asante Kingdom of BAOULE, in an area that later became part of the French Colony, and now the Nation of Ivory Coast.

Nana Abena Pokuaa ruled as the first Baoule King/Queen. Her descendant Nana Félix Houphouët-Boigny ruled as King of Baoule Kingdom, and served the first President of Ivory Coast. Initially, there was bad blood between Asanteman and Baouleman.

As time went on, tempers cooled\" differenced healed. The regalia that Nana Abena Pokua seized from Kumase, such as Afena, (Swords), the Gold Umbrella were finally returned to Kumase.. In 1894, when Otumfuo Prempeh I was enstooled officially as Asantehene, a large Baoule delegation led by Baoule King Nana Kouame Guie (Kwame Agyei) was present in Kumase.

His excellency Kwabena Bedie is facing a tricky political situation in the Ivory Coast. He has therefore journeyed to Oseikrom, and to Manhyia for Osei Tutu Opemsuo divine unction. \"Nuff Said.

OYOKO ADAKO BAOULE ROYAL Dynasty of Ivory Coast:
Obaahemaa Nana Abena Pokua BAULE Confederation 1720-1730 nation building Founded the Baule Kingdom That covered all the Akans in Cote d’lvoire.
1760 to 1790 NANA AKUA BONI
1790 to 1840 NANA KOUAME TUTU
1902 to 1925 NANA KOUADIO NDRI
1958 to 1978 NANA KOUAME GUIE (Agyei) II
1958 to 1993 NANA HOUPHOUET BOIGNY governed as Akan king and President of the Ivory Coast
1993 Nana Jean Baptist Kouame was nominated and enstooled as regent, and later as King, Nana Osei Tutu Anougble III Regent of the Baoule


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